Super Bingo! app for iPhone and iPad
Enjoy The Game: New England Vs. Seattle
with Super Bingo!
Be Super Bingo! Ready for the BIG GAME on Sunday! Bring Family and Friends into the mix. Some may want to have a friendly wager, while others can just play for the sake of a good time.
***** Interactive with TV On Sunday Feb. 1, 2015 *****
How It Works:
- Get 1 of 26 different bingo Cards
- Get your friends to get Super Bingo Cards!
- Watch the Big Football Game on Sunday!
- Try to get 5 in a row for BINGO!
> (Only playable while watching the Big Pro Football Game On Sunday)
Simple, fun, and just what a party needs!
B.C. Apps brings you Super Bingo! Its for family and friends to have a little more to talk about than just the commercials (....I mean game). Enjoy!